
Friday, May 21, 2010

Adding a Little Flair

I had a very good friend bless me with some clothes recently. I took this opportunity to experiment with embellishing and adding flair to the times to make them be as unique as me! Yes, I choose the word "unique", its a tink life afterall!
Anyhoo, the cut of shirt was already perfect. It fit me well, and even though I love black I am consciously trying to add some color to my wardrobe. All the browns and blacks and pinks need a little more vibe!
So, I took a package of Wrights hem lace in teal and did this:

I already had the perfect necklace, earrings, and bracelet and even eyeshadow, so it must have been meant to be! Now I just need the shoes, too.

Here is a closer view of the bodice. The area of the lapels had gunmetal rivets glued on and some had come off, so I pulled the rest off and covered the glue marks with the hem tape pleated every 1". Then I angled the lace while still pleating it every 1" and sewed the lace down with a tiny black zigzag stitch. With the two strips left at the very end, I cinched and gathered making the rosette which I tacked at the joining of the wrap style bodice.

The black peeping through is a camisole, not my bra, just in case you were wondering. What can I say, I have bad posture!

There was a band under the bust, so I covered it with a row of 1" pleats, sewn again with a tiny black zigzag stitch through the open work of the lace. I sewed 3/8" from the edge to give the pleats a ruffled look.
I love makeovers that cost nothing! Thank you my dear friend for gifting me with this shirt, it is so very comfortable.

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